Large: 26″ tall x 59″ high, leaves are 13″ long by 9″ wide round, blue-green, heavily corrugated, leaves with wide gold margin and heavy substance. Near white flowers on 32” scapes in June. This is a sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ mutation.
9106 North Raven Court · Milton, WI · 53563
Extraordinary Hostas for your Extraordinary Shade Garden
Hosta ‘Frances Williams’ (Williams)
This yellow edged sport of H. sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ is always at the top of the popularity list. The heavily corrugated round blue leaves are edged with a wide golden border. The 3′ clumps are topped with white flowers in late spring. In areas of low humidity, or with any sun, the gold margin tends to sun scorch.
A Giantland sized clump (3-6 eyes) will be shipped
Large: 26″ tall x 59″ high, leaves are 13″ long by 9″ wide round, blue-green, heavily corrugated, leaves with wide gold margin and heavy substance. Near white flowers on 32” scapes in June. This is a sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ mutation.
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