All proceeds from this hosta go to the Wisconsin Hosta Society!
Beautiful blue, cupped leaves on a large mounded hosta; bigger than Abiqua Drinking Gourd.
Story goes…. Jeff and good friend Phil each chose a hosta they fancied to enter in the Seedgrowers Competition. Jeff’s choice won out the selection process and was dug and loaded on the golf cart to take to the show. While driving out of the garden, Jeff says that a dispondent Phil “accidentally” nudged the prized hosta off the cart and it rolled down the hill, crushing all of the wonderful foliage. Since this hosta was no longer show worthy, Jeff and Phil had no choice but to go dig Phil’s first choice to enter in its place. Now that the first choice hosta has had time to recover, Jeff has decided to introduce it and named it ‘Giantland What the Hill Phil’
Says Jeff about the incident…. “That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!”