Large: 28″ high by 74 ” wide mound; with 15″ long by 10 1/2″ wide leaves, corrugated, blue-green with wide creamy white margins. Near White flowers appear in June/July.
9106 North Raven Court · Milton, WI · 53563
Extraordinary Hostas for your Extraordinary Shade Garden
Northern Exposure Hosta – is a large sport of sieboldiana ‘Elegans’. It is a selection from the several different white-margined sports that were named ‘Northern Halo’. It is considered the most attractive one. The leaves are puckered and blue-green in color with very wide yellow-green margins which change to cream-white as the summer progresses. They are ovate with a cordate base. The margins are flat. The flowers are near-white and tubular. It was registered out of Walters Gardens in 1997. The size is 66×36″ with 30″ scapes. The seed is viable.
Large: 28″ high by 74 ” wide mound; with 15″ long by 10 1/2″ wide leaves, corrugated, blue-green with wide creamy white margins. Near White flowers appear in June/July.
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