Medium: Large, shiny, light green, heart shaped leaves. In August, 5″ long, heavily fragrant, white trumpet shaped flowers appear on 30″ scapes. Tolerates three quarters of a day of sun exposure.
9106 North Raven Court · Milton, WI · 53563
Extraordinary Hostas for your Extraordinary Shade Garden
Plantaginea Hosta – plantaginea is a Chinese hosta known in Japan as Maruba Tama No Kanzashi, the “round-leaved jewel of the hairpin (hosta).” Its Chinese name is Yu-san. This species was the first hosta on the continent of Europe with records dating back to 1784. In 1790 the first live plants were imported into England. Plants belonging to this species have the best flowers in the genus being more than twice as large as those in other species, with a pure white color, heavy substance and a waxy surface. It is the only night-bloomer with the flowers opening late in the afternoon, their fragrance is most noticeable during evening hours. plantaginea is a parent to a number of fragrant hybrids and several variegated sports. This species requires moisture and extended, warm summers to flower and set seed well.
Medium: Large, shiny, light green, heart shaped leaves. In August, 5″ long, heavily fragrant, white trumpet shaped flowers appear on 30″ scapes. Tolerates three quarters of a day of sun exposure.
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